organic matcha green tea

Japanese Organic Matcha Green Tea Recipes

As the summer approaches, definitely, the majority of us would love to enjoy those refreshing mocktails and mojitos. Still, have you ever thought about trying a healthier alternative to all the ordinary lattes and sodas? If not, then this article is for you. Whether you are in it for a rich, earthy relish or focused stable energy boost, there is a lot to love about organic matcha green tea. Yes, you read it right! 

The authentic and versatile Japanese tea is a great drink to try out of the ordinary! But, hold on; you do not have to enjoy it in a basic way. You can try many different recipes, including ice matcha, vibrant smoothies, matcha lattes, and other green-colored treats. It goes without saying that matcha green tea powder is exquisitely loved in Japan and the rest of the world. 

Traditionally, DoMatcha, like premium brands, offers FDA-approved matcha grades grounded to a fine powder. That smooth texture of the green tea is used in a meditative ceremony. Due to the presence of chlorophyll, the bright green hue is one of the quality features that millions of people love about it. 

Wondering how you can actually enjoy different Japanese organic matcha green tea recipes this summer? Not to worry! Here we have compiled a list of the best recipes to give yourself a quick boost of energy, that too without all the crashes and jitters. So let’s get started with going through these sweet and earthy recipes. 


Here is the ultimate summer mainstream for us; creamy matcha latte. This mainstay green tea latte recipe is just so simple and quick. We have to mention that we cannot go wrong with the basic combination of coconut milk, organic matcha, and some raw honey. Yes, that is all you need to enjoy this stable L-theanine. Just warm some raw coconut milk until it works up. Now whisk the matcha green tea powder and raw honey in it until it turns out frothy. 


Shamrock shakes have been a thing of the 21st century, and undoubtedly, the trend is not going to end anytime soon. So ditch the standard shamrock shakes packed with artificial colors, sweeteners, and flavors. Why not try out the naturally green matcha chip mint shake instead? Take some coconut cream, vanilla, and monk fruit; whisk them well. Now combine some mint crystals and matcha green tea powder. Shake them up in a high-speed blender until it forms creamy and smooth. You can even throw in some frozen banana for extra sweetness or cacao nibs for a hint of chocolate. And yes, do not skip the coconut whipped topping! 


Beyond any question, matcha powder always pairs well with fresh veggies and fruits. Now that is why it is no surprise that this smoothie recipe is a highly suitable hearty or meal replacement snack for brunch or evening dinner. 

This Japanese organic matcha green tea recipe holds a big dose of antioxidants. You will find how superfood matcha goes along with kale, banana, pineapple slices, and spinach. Just combine all the ingredients with any of the finest matcha in a blender. Blend it at high speed. Then, pour into your favorite smoothie glass for a healthy dose of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which in turn increase the penetration of spinach and kale evenly. All in all, it is a win-win. 

Got more delicious recipes on your end? Feel free to share with us in the comments section below. 

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