global fsbmetcalfbloomberg

Global FSB-Metcalf-Bloomberg: Strengthening the Financial System

Global FSB-Metcalf-Bloomberg (GFMB) is an initiative launched in 2020 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank Group (WBG) to promote financial stability across the world. The GFMB is part of the global financial safety net that is designed to protect global financial stability, promote economic growth and development, and reduce the risk of financial crises. The GFMB seeks to provide greater transparency and information sharing among regulators and to improve risk management practices. It also seeks to strengthen coordination among regulators in order to ensure that financial institutions are well capitalized and their activities are well monitored.

Objectives of Global FSB-Metcalf-Bloomberg

The primary objective of the GFMB is to ensure financial stability by reducing systemic risk, promoting international financial stability, and supporting global economic growth and development. Specifically, the GFMB seeks to reduce systemic risk by improving risk management and increasing the level of transparency in the global financial system. Additionally, the initiative is designed to ensure that regulatory authorities have the necessary resources to effectively monitor and regulate activities in the global financial markets, while also providing financial guidance and support to countries that require it.

The Key Elements of the Global FSB-Metcalf-Bloomberg

The GFMB is composed of three elements: the FSB’s Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures, the IMF’s Financial Stability Assessment Program, and the World Bank’s Financial Stability Principles. Each of these elements are designed to improve the efficiency, resiliency, and integrity of the global financial system.

The FSB Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures

The FSB Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures are intended to promote the safety and soundness of financial markets and to reduce systemic risk. These principles include a set of minimum standards for the governance, risk management, and oversight of financial market infrastructures, such as exchanges, clearinghouses, payment systems, and securities settlement systems.

The IMF’s Financial Stability Assessment Program

The Financial Stability Assessment Program is designed to assess the financial stability of countries and identify potential threats to financial stability. It is designed to provide an assessment of the quality of a country’s financial system and its resilience to financial stress.

The World Bank’s Financial Stability Principles

The Financial Stability Principles are intended to strengthen public confidence in the global financial system and reduce the risk of financial crises. The principles include standards for the management of liquidity risk, capital adequacy, risk management, and transparency.


The GFMB is an important initiative that seeks to promote financial stability, support economic growth and development, and reduce the risk of financial crises. Through the FSB Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures, the IMF’s Financial Stability Assessment Program, and the World Bank’s Financial Stability Principles, the GFMB is working to create a safer, more efficient and resilient global financial system.