5 Important Tools For Golf Course Maintenance

5 Important Tools For Golf Course Maintenance

When you own a golf course, looking after the course and keeping it maintained becomes your duty. There are several tools that help in cleaning and maintaining the course for further use. But these tools and machines are an expensive affair.

You can not buy a machine following the recommendations. You need to cross check it, find it is appropriate for your golf course and then plan on buying one. With that being said, here is the list of five most important tools that are required for keeping a golf course clean and maintained. These are a must have for every golf course manager.


Golf course mowers are one of the most important tools that you need for the maintenance of a golf course. And not just one but several types of mowers are required for a well managed course. Here are a few types that you can consider buying – golf green mowers, collar mower, rough mower, walk behind mower etc. Although the choice of a mower depends on factors like location, usage, grass type, atmosphere etc but whichever you choose, you need to buy more than one of that type.

Utility Vehicle

None of you might like spending the whole day at the ocuse moving from one place to another with the walk behind mowers. Therefore this is when utility vehicles come into action. They make the whole process easy and quick. It makes the transportation easy and quick. It is a type of golf course equipment that every worker should have.

Hydraulic Lifter

Hydraulic lifter is another important tool that is essential for the maintenance of golf courses. As the name suggests, it is a type of equipment that helps in lifting hundreds of tools and machines from one place to another. It is a multipurpose tool that not just helps in the field but also off the field. It is a must have golf course maintenance equipment.

Handheld and Backpack Blowers

Another one on the list is the blowers. They are known for helping you remove debris and leaves. Blowers are also used for the purpose of grass cutting. In order to have a well managed, neat and clean golf course, you definitely need a few blowers.

Handheld blowers cut the grass in the course. And once the grass is collected in the heaps, any other worker can get it removed with the help of backpack blowers.


One of the most useful tools of all golf course maintenance equipment is a grinder. There are three standard grinding machines available in the market, namely, bedknife grinder, reel grinder and wheel grinder. To have a well maintained golf course you need to have all the three types of grinding machines and not just one.

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